Our cloud computing specialists work to ensure your business is ready for what’s next by providing streamlined and transparent solutions tailored to your unique business goals.

Understanding cloud computing

Building a cloud computing environment can transform your business experience, simplifying how, where and when your employees work. The cloud provides your business with a secure, collaborative, scalable and flexible environment through which to access your data.

Private Cloud, Public Cloud or Hybrid Cloud? Choosing a cloud solution that suits your needs isn’t so straight forward. InnoKAT’s cloud specialists work with your business to establish what solution would best suit your needs and achieve your goals.

Your cloud solutions explained

Our solutions offer a range of cloud and on-premise solutions that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Hyperconverged infrastructure

What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

  • Scale for the future
    Cloud computing allows you to scale on-demand. This means no more planning your infrastructure for the future — plan for now.
  • Consistent costing
    Cloud computing means that you pay a simple monthly fee for your service, ensuring you’re never paying for anything you don’t need.
  • Security
    Worried about security? Don’t be. Safety in the cloud is just as good, if not better, than having all your infrastructure onsite.
  • Flexibility
    The cloud opens up exciting possibilities for your business, such as working from home and building a modern workplace culture.
  • Performance
    Having your infrastructure in the cloud means that you can scale your infrastructure on demand, maximising performance efficiency.

What should you consider before moving to Cloud Computing?


Bandwidth can be a problem if your infrastructure is in the cloud. You need to ensure you have an internet connection that can support your staff accessing their files via the cloud. If your connection is not equipped to support this, it can easily lead to a loss in productivity.


Public clouds mean that your data might be held overseas, opening it up to new laws and ownership. Understanding data sovereignty requirements for business in different countries, Microsoft opened local data centers that now allow you to have your data stored and managed within United Kingdom and Australia.


Without the right policies and governance, storing your data over the internet can be enormously risky. InnoKAT’s Australian-based solutions architects and security experts work with you to ensure your data can only ever be accessed by the right people.